
LastModificationDate Resource

This resource represents the crawl last modification date of an entity. Since Communote version 3.3

Available HTTP-Methods for LastModificationDate Resource

LIST - LastModificationDate Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a list of all entities of the given type with the last modified date.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtypeDefine the type of the entities to return. 
Constant Values 
TOPIC - Type to return all topics. 
ATTACHMENT - Type to return all attachments. 
NOTE - Type to return all notes. 

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longentityIdId of the entity.
datelastModificationDateRepresents the date when the entity was last modified.