
TimelineNote Resource

This resource represents the timeline of notes.

Available HTTP-Methods for TimelineNote Resource

POST - TimelineNote Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request, the server returns a list of all requested timeline note resources with the following attributes Additional there are two meta datas in the response, use it in case the query parameters exceed the supported length. First with the number of all found elements and secound whether there are more available elements.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanfilterHtmlSpecifies whether the timeline resources response is formatted as plain text or with HTML tags.
integermaxTextLengthSpecifies the length of the note text to retrieve a list of timeline resources with a cut off text for better list representation.
integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..
string[]f_contentIdsFilters for notes with attachments with one of the given content identifiers. Since Communote version 3.3
longf_discussionIdFilters notes which are part of the specified discussion. If the discussion identifier is set the sort mode change from chronological (newest first) to threaded view style. Additional the discussion depth is set.
booleanf_showFollowedItemsFilters notes which are followed by the user.
booleanf_showNotesForMeFilters notes which are addressed for the current user.
long[]f_topicIdsFilters for notes with a topic being part of the given identifiers.
string[]f_topicAliasesFilters for notes with topics being part of the given aliases.
long[]f_topicIdsToExcludeFilters for notes NOT being part of the given topic identifiers.
long[]f_tagIdsFilters for notes having all the tags assigned. The tag identifier refers to the tag database identifier.
stringf_tagPrefixFilters for notes containing at least one tag starting with the given string.
long[]f_userIdsFilters for notes with an author matching one of the given user identifiers.
string[]f_userAliasesFilters for notes with an author matching one of the given user aliases.
datef_startDateFilters for notes being written after the specified date.
datef_endDateFilters for notes being written before or on the given date. Note: The specified day is included. If this day should be excluded, subtract 24 hours (86.400.000 ms) from f_endDate.
stringf_userSearchStringFilters for notes with an authors alias, last name or first name matching one of the given search string.
stringf_noteSearchStringFilters for notes containing the given string. Note: The results may vary depending on the Communote database used.
stringf_fullTextSearchStringFilters for notes where either the note content, the tags of the note or the name of the author contains the given string.
longf_parentNoteIdFilters for notes with the specified parent's note id and the parent note itself.
string[]f_repositoryIdsFilters for notes with attachments with the given repository identifiers. The order must match to the given f_contentIds parameter. Since Communote version 3.3
booleanf_showDirectMessagesFilters for notes which are direct messages.
booleanf_showFavoritesFilters for notes which are marked as favorite.
booleanf_includeCommentsSpecifies whether comments (or answers) of notes are included in the resulting list.
stringf_propertyFilterArray of properties to filter for. The array is build like this: FILTER_1, FILTER_2, ..., FILTER_3 where every FILTER looks like {"name":"Example","value":[0:Property, 1:Group, 2:Key, 3:Value, 4:MatchMode, 5:Negate (Optional)]}, whereas Property can be one of Note, Entity, Dummy and MatchMode can be one of EQUALS, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS. Negate is optional (default = false) can be true or false. Note: Every filter value has to be escaped with double quotes ". Example: {"name":"Image","value":["Note","com.communote","contentTypes.image","image","EQUALS"]}
stringf_topicAccessFilter for notes which can be accessed at least by the given access level. 
Constant Values 
manager - Lists all topics of which the user is the manager. 
read - Lists all topics of which the user has read access. 
write - Lists all topics of which the user has write access. 
booleanf_showOnlyDiscussionsShow only the discussion.
booleanf_showOnlyRootNotesShow only root notes.
booleanf_showDiscussionParticipationFilter for discussions, the current user has participated in.
longf_targetTopicIdId of the topic to filter for.
longf_noteIdId of the note to filter for.
booleanf_topicRelatedSpecifies whether the results have to be topic/utp related.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeIdOnly retrieve notes with a smaller id. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeDate.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeDateOnly retrieve notes created before this date. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeId.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterIdOnly retrieve notes with a later id. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterDate.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterDateOnly retrieve notes created after this date. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterId.

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

Attachment[]attachmentsContains all attachment resources.
TimelineUserauthorContains the author of note.
datecreationDateThe date of creation of note.
TimelineNoteDiscussiondiscussionContains information of the current discussion, where the note is parent or discussion part.
booleanisDirectMessageIndicates whether the note is a direct message or a normal message.
longnoteIdIs the identifier of an note.
integernumberOfChildNotesNumber of all child notes.
integernumberOfLikesNumber of users who like this note.
longparentNoteIdNote identifier of the parent note. Is null when note is parent.
Property[]propertiesProperties of note. Properties are key value pairs.
string[]rightsSpecifies the possibilities what the user can do with this note. 
Constant Values 
CAN_EDIT - Mark that the user can edit this note. 
CAN_REPLY - Mark that the user can reply this note. 
CAN_DELETE - Mark that the user can delete this note. 
stringshortTextThe short message of note.
TimelineNoteTag[]tagsTags of the note.
stringtextThe message of the note.
TimelineTopictopicContains the topic where the not was posted.
string[]userNotePropertiesSpecifies properties of the current user. Multiple markers can be set. 
Constant Values 
FAV - Mark for note is favor of current user. 
LIKE - Mark that the current user like this note. 
NOTIFY - Mark that the current user is notify in this note. 
TimelineUser[]usersToNotifyContains all notifyed users.

PUT - TimelineNote Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

Property[]propertiesProperties of note. Properties are key value pairs.

GET - TimelineNote Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns the requested timeline note resource with the following attributes.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanfilterHtmlSpecifies whether the timeline resources response is formatted as plain text or with HTML tags.
integermaxTextLengthSpecifies the length of the note text to retrieve a list of timeline resources with a cut off text for better list representation.

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

Attachment[]attachmentsContains all attachment resources.
TimelineUserauthorContains the author of note.
datecreationDateThe date of creation of note.
TimelineNoteDiscussiondiscussionContains information of the current discussion, where the note is parent or discussion part.
booleanisDirectMessageIndicates whether the note is a direct message or a normal message.
booleanisMentionDiscussionAuthorsIndicates that this note addresses all participants of the discussion this note is part of.
booleanisMentionTopicAuthorsIndicates that this note addresses all users with at least one note within the topic.
booleanisMentionTopicManagersIndicates that this note addresses all managers of the the topic.
booleanisMentionTopicReadersIndicates that this note addresses all readers of the topic.
longnoteId (mandatory)Is the identifier of an note.
integernumberOfChildNotesNumber of all child notes.
integernumberOfLikesNumber of users who like this note.
longparentNoteIdNote identifier of the parent note. Is null when note is parent.
string[]rightsSpecifies the possibilities what the user can do with this note. 
Constant Values 
CAN_EDIT - Mark that the user can edit this note. 
CAN_REPLY - Mark that the user can reply this note. 
CAN_DELETE - Mark that the user can delete this note. 
stringshortTextThe short message of note.
TimelineNoteTag[]tagsTags of the note.
stringtextThe message of the note.
TimelineTopictopicContains the topic where the not was posted.
string[]userNotePropertiesSpecifies properties of the current user. Multiple markers can be set. 
Constant Values 
FAV - Mark for note is favor of current user. 
LIKE - Mark that the current user like this note. 
NOTIFY - Mark that the current user is notify in this note. 
TimelineUser[]usersToNotifyContains all notifyed users.

LIST - TimelineNote Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a list of all requested timeline note resources with the following attributes Additional there are two meta datas in the response. First with the number of all found elements and secound whether there are more available elements.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanfilterHtmlSpecifies whether the timeline resources response is formatted as plain text or with HTML tags.
integermaxTextLengthSpecifies the length of the note text to retrieve a list of timeline resources with a cut off text for better list representation.
integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..
string[]f_contentIdsFilters for notes with attachments with one of the given content identifiers. Since Communote version 3.3
longf_discussionIdFilters notes which are part of the specified discussion. If the discussion identifier is set the sort mode change from chronological (newest first) to threaded view style. Additional the discussion depth is set.
booleanf_showFollowedItemsFilters notes which are followed by the user.
booleanf_showNotesForMeFilters notes which are addressed for the current user.
long[]f_topicIdsFilters for notes with a topic being part of the given identifiers.
string[]f_topicAliasesFilters for notes with topics being part of the given aliases.
long[]f_topicIdsToExcludeFilters for notes NOT being part of the given topic identifiers.
long[]f_tagIdsFilters for notes having all the tags assigned. The tag identifier refers to the tag database identifier.
stringf_tagPrefixFilters for notes containing at least one tag starting with the given string.
long[]f_userIdsFilters for notes with an author matching one of the given user identifiers.
string[]f_userAliasesFilters for notes with an author matching one of the given user aliases.
datef_startDateFilters for notes being written after the specified date.
datef_endDateFilters for notes being written before or on the given date. Note: The specified day is included. If this day should be excluded, subtract 24 hours (86.400.000 ms) from f_endDate.
stringf_userSearchStringFilters for notes with an authors alias, last name or first name matching one of the given search string.
stringf_noteSearchStringFilters for notes containing the given string. Note: The results may vary depending on the Communote database used.
stringf_fullTextSearchStringFilters for notes where either the note content, the tags of the note or the name of the author contains the given string.
longf_parentNoteIdFilters for notes with the specified parent's note id and the parent note itself.
string[]f_repositoryIdsFilters for notes with attachments with the given repository identifiers. The order must match to the given f_contentIds parameter. Since Communote version 3.3
booleanf_showDirectMessagesFilters for notes which are direct messages.
booleanf_showFavoritesFilters for notes which are marked as favorite.
booleanf_includeCommentsSpecifies whether comments (or answers) of notes are included in the resulting list.
stringf_propertyFilterArray of properties to filter for. The array is build like this: FILTER_1, FILTER_2, ..., FILTER_3 where every FILTER looks like {"name":"Example","value":[0:Property, 1:Group, 2:Key, 3:Value, 4:MatchMode, 5:Negate (Optional)]}, whereas Property can be one of Note, Entity, Dummy and MatchMode can be one of EQUALS, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS. Negate is optional (default = false) can be true or false. Note: Every filter value has to be escaped with double quotes ". Example: {"name":"Image","value":["Note","com.communote","contentTypes.image","image","EQUALS"]}
stringf_topicAccessFilter for notes which can be accessed at least by the given access level. 
Constant Values 
manager - Lists all topics of which the user is the manager. 
read - Lists all topics of which the user has read access. 
write - Lists all topics of which the user has write access. 
booleanf_showOnlyDiscussionsShow only the discussion.
booleanf_showOnlyRootNotesShow only root notes.
booleanf_showDiscussionParticipationFilter for discussions, the current user has participated in.
longf_targetTopicIdId of the topic to filter for.
longf_noteIdId of the note to filter for.
booleanf_topicRelatedSpecifies whether the results have to be topic/utp related.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeIdOnly retrieve notes with a smaller id. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeDate.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeDateOnly retrieve notes created before this date. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesBeforeId.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterIdOnly retrieve notes with a later id. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterDate.
longf_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterDateOnly retrieve notes created after this date. Can only be used in conjunction with f_retrieveOnlyNotesAfterId.

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

Attachment[]attachmentsContains all attachment resources.
TimelineUserauthorContains the author of note.
datecreationDateThe date of creation of note.
TimelineNoteDiscussiondiscussionContains information of the current discussion, where the note is parent or discussion part.
booleanisDirectMessageIndicates whether the note is a direct message or a normal message.
longnoteIdIs the identifier of an note.
integernumberOfChildNotesNumber of all child notes.
integernumberOfLikesNumber of users who like this note.
longparentNoteIdNote identifier of the parent note. Is null when note is parent.
string[]rightsSpecifies the possibilities what the user can do with this note. 
Constant Values 
CAN_EDIT - Mark that the user can edit this note. 
CAN_REPLY - Mark that the user can reply this note. 
CAN_DELETE - Mark that the user can delete this note. 
stringshortTextThe short message of note.
TimelineNoteTag[]tagsTags of the note.
stringtextThe message of the note.
TimelineTopictopicContains the topic where the not was posted.
string[]userNotePropertiesSpecifies properties of the current user. Multiple markers can be set. 
Constant Values 
FAV - Mark for note is favor of current user. 
LIKE - Mark that the current user like this note. 
NOTIFY - Mark that the current user is notify in this note. 
TimelineUser[]usersToNotifyContains all notifyed users.

Property Resource

Resource for setting a property. It is a sub resource of a note.

Available HTTP-Methods for Property Resource

POST - Property Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new property resource and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

GET - Property Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
longpropertyIdKeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

LIST - Property Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the property.
stringkeyGroupKeyGroup of the property.

TimelineNoteDiscussion Resource

This resource represents an discussion of a timeline note. This resource conduce only for parsing of discussion in timeline note.

Available HTTP-Methods for TimelineNoteDiscussion Resource

GET - TimelineNoteDiscussion Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

integerdepthThis is the depth of the current note in discussion. Is only set if timeline notes filtered for discussionId
longdiscussionIdIs the identifier of the current discussion.
integernumberOfDiscussionNotesNumber of all notes in the discussion.

TimelineNoteTag Resource

This resource represents an tag of a timeline note. This resource conduce only for parsing of discussion in timeline note.

Available HTTP-Methods for TimelineNoteTag Resource

GET - TimelineNoteTag Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringnameThis is the name of tag.
longtagIdIs the identifier of tag.

LIST - TimelineNoteTag Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringnameThis is the name of tag.
longtagIdIs the identifier of tag.