
Topic Resource

This resource represents a topic. Topics are used for categorising notes into different topics. Topics have a right managment. That means that not everybody can read the notes of a topic. After creation of a topic the user can set the read and write rights to the topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for Topic Resource

POST - Topic Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new topic resource and returns the topicId.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 
integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Default Value is the formatted title.
booleanallCanReadIndicates whether everybody is allowed to read notes from this topic or not. Default Value is false.
booleanallCanWriteIndicates whether everybody is allowed to publish a note within this topic or not. Default Value is false.
stringdescriptionWhat is this topic about.
ExternalObject[]externalObjectsExternal objects of topic.
Property[]propertiesProperties of topic. Properties are key value pairs.
RoleExternal[]roleExternalsExternal roles of topic.
Role[]rolesRoles of topic.
Tag[]tagsThese tags are uses for searching with a tag cloud.
stringtitle (mandatory)Is the name of the topic.

PUT - Topic Resource

By sending a HTTP-PUT request with edited attributes, the server edits the topic resource and returns the topicId.

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Default Value is the formatted title.
booleanallCanReadIndicates whether everybody is allowed to read notes from this topic or not. Default Value is false.
booleanallCanWriteIndicates whether everybody is allowed to publish a note within this topic or not. Default Value is false.
stringdescriptionWhat is this topic about.
ExternalObject[]externalObjectsExternal objects of topic.
Property[]propertiesProperties of topic. Properties are key value pairs.
RoleExternal[]roleExternalsExternal roles of topic.
Role[]rolesRoles of topic.
Tag[]tagsThese tags are uses for searching with a tag cloud.
stringtitleIs the name of the topic.
stringtopicId (mandatory)The key value to identify a topic.

GET - Topic Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns the requested topic resource with the following attributes.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Default Value is the formatted title.
stringbannerImageIdIdentifier of the banner image of the topic
stringbannerImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the banner image. The string will change each time the banner image is updated. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache.
ChildTopic[]childrenList of direct children
datecrawlLastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the topic which in contrast to lastModificationDate does also take changes to the access rights into account. Since Communote version 3.3
booleancreateSystemNotesDenotes whether system notes will be created in this topic. If true special activity notes are created automatically in this topic if the access rights are changed.
stringdescriptionWhat is this topic about.
booleanisFollowIndicates whether the topic is followed by the user.
datelastBannerImageModificationDateDeprecated: use bannerImageVersion instead. Timestamp of the last modification of the banner image. Can be used in the image URL to get the latest image and an old one from the client's cache.
datelastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the topic. This only reflects changes to the title, alias, description, the createSystemNotes flag and the assigned tags.
datelastProfileImageModificationDateDeprecated: use profileImageVersion instead. Timestamp of the last modification of the profile image. Can be used in the image URL to get the latest image and an old one from the client's cache.
stringprofileImageIdIdentifier of the profile image of the topic
stringprofileImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the profile image. The string will change each time the profile image is updated. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache. Since Communote version 3.2
Tag[]tagsThese tags are uses for searching with a tag cloud.
stringtitleIs the name of the topic.
stringtopicEmailThis is the mailing address of a topic, which enables the user to send regular e-mail to a topic
stringtopicId (mandatory)The key value to identify a topic.
stringuserRoleIndicates the rule of the user within this topic.

LIST - Topic Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a list of all requested topic resources with the following attributes. Additional there are two meta datas in the response. First with the number of all found elements and secound whether there are more available elements.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicListTypeTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. When topicListType is MOST_USED or LAST_USED there are no meta data in the response. 
Constant Values 
MANAGER - Lists all topics of which the user is the manager. 
READ - Lists all topics of which the user has the read access. 
WRITE - Lists all topics of which the user has the write access. 
MOST_USED - Lists all topics which are used mostly by the user. 
LAST_USED - Lists all topics chronical depending one the time of the last usage by the user. 
LAST_MODIFIED - Lists all topics chronical depending one the time of the last modification by the user. 
string[]f_topicAliasesFilters topics which contain the specified aliases
long[]f_topicIdsFilters topics which contain the specified identifier.
long[]f_topicIdsToExcludeFilters topics whose identifier is specified to be excluded.
booleanf_showFollowedItemsFilters topics which are followed.
string[]f_tagsFilters topics which contain every single tag.
stringf_tagPrefixFilters topics whose tags start with the specified string.
stringf_titleSearchStringFilters topics with string in title.
stringf_externalObjectSystemIdFilters topics which have an external object with the given system id. If f_externalObjectId is also set both must match the same external object. Only works for topicListType=READ, WRITE or MANAGE.
stringf_externalObjectIdFilters topics which have an external object with the given external id. If f_externalObjectSystemId is also set both must match the same external object. Only works for topicListType=READ, WRITE or MANAGE.
integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Default Value is the formatted title.
stringbannerImageIdIdentifier of the banner image of the topic
stringbannerImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the banner image. The string will change each time the banner image is updated. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache.
ChildTopic[]childrenList of direct children
datecrawlLastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the topic which in contrast to lastModificationDate does also take changes to the access rights into account. Since Communote version 3.3
booleancreateSystemNotesDenotes whether system notes will be created in this topic. If true special activity notes are created automatically in this topic if the access rights are changed.
stringdescriptionWhat is this topic about.
booleanisFollowIndicates whether the topic is followed by the user.
datelastBannerImageModificationDateDeprecated: use bannerImageVersion instead. Timestamp of the last modification of the banner image. Can be used in the image URL to get the latest image and an old one from the client's cache.
datelastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the topic. This only reflects changes to the title, alias, description, the createSystemNotes flag and the assigned tags.
datelastProfileImageModificationDateDeprecated: use profileImageVersion instead. Timestamp of the last modification of the profile image. Can be used in the image URL to get the latest image and an old one from the client's cache.
stringprofileImageIdIdentifier of the profile image of the topic
stringprofileImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the profile image. The string will change each time the profile image is updated. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache. Since Communote version 3.2
Tag[]tagsThese tags are uses for searching with a tag cloud.
stringtitleIs the name of the topic.
stringtopicEmailThis is the mailing address of a topic, which enables the user to send regular e-mail to a topic
stringtopicIdThe key value to identify a topic.
stringuserRoleIndicates the rule of the user within this topic.

DELETE - Topic Resource

By sending a HTTP-DELETE request, the server deletes the specified topic resource.



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringtopicId (mandatory)The key value to identify a topic.

ChildTopic Resource

This resource can be used to add or remove direct child topics for the given topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for ChildTopic Resource

POST - ChildTopic Resource

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringparentTopicIdentifierDefine the type the topics id is send, using one of the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longchildTopicId (mandatory)Id of the child topic.

DELETE - ChildTopic Resource



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringparentTopicIdentifierDefine the type the topics id is send, using one of the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longchildTopicId (mandatory)Id of the child topic.

ExternalObject Resource

Resource to assign external object privileges to an internal topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for ExternalObject Resource

POST - ExternalObject Resource

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalId (mandatory)Identifier of the external object in external system.
longexternalObjectIdInternal identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemId (mandatory)Identifier of the external system.
stringnameName of external object.
stringtopicAliasOfExternalObjectIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).
longtopicIdOfExternalObjectThe key value to identify a topic. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).

PUT - ExternalObject Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalIdIdentifier of the external object in external system.
longexternalObjectId (mandatory)Internal identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemIdIdentifier of the external system.
stringnameName of external object.
stringtopicAliasOfExternalObjectIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).
longtopicIdOfExternalObjectThe key value to identify a topic. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).

GET - ExternalObject Resource

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalIdIdentifier of the external object in external system.
longexternalObjectId (mandatory)Internal identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemIdIdentifier of the external system.
stringnameName of external object.
stringtopicAliasOfExternalObjectIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).
longtopicIdOfExternalObjectThe key value to identify a topic. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).

LIST - ExternalObject Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a list of all external object of the topic is returned. If topicId 0 is used and the parameters f_externalSystemId and f_externalObjectId are provided, ExternalObjects over all topics are considered (even if no access is allowed).

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalIdIdentifier of the external object in external system.
longexternalObjectIdInternal identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemIdIdentifier of the external system.
stringnameName of external object.
stringtopicAliasOfExternalObjectIs the alias to identify the topic. It is needed for the topic creation and can be used on a change request. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).
longtopicIdOfExternalObjectThe key value to identify a topic. Only set if topic independent filtering is used (topicId=0 in url).

DELETE - ExternalObject Resource



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalIdIdentifier of the external object in external system.
longexternalObjectIdInternal identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemIdIdentifier of the external system.

Follow Resource

Resource for setting a follow. It is a sub resource of a topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for Follow Resource

POST - Follow Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the follow status for specified user and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfollowfollow status of the topic for the user. Default Value is false.

LIST - Follow Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfollowfollow status of the topic for the user. Default Value is false.

DELETE - Follow Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


Property Resource

Resource for setting a property. It is a sub resource of a topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for Property Resource

POST - Property Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new property resource and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

GET - Property Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
longpropertyIdKeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

LIST - Property Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the property.
stringkeyGroupKeyGroup of the property.

Right Resource

Resource for setting a right. It is a sub resource of a topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for Right Resource

PUT - Right Resource

By sending a HTTP-PUT request with edited attributes, the server edits the rights of topic and returns null.

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanallCanReadIndicates whether everybody is allowed to read notes from this topic or not. Default Value is false.
booleanallCanWriteIndicates whether everybody is allowed to publish a note within this topic or not. Default Value is false.
booleanpublicAccessSpecifies whether this topic is public accessibly. Default Value is false.

GET - Right Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanallCanReadIndicates whether everybody is allowed to read notes from this topic or not. Default Value is false.
booleanallCanWriteIndicates whether everybody is allowed to publish a note within this topic or not. Default Value is false.
long[]managingUserIdsUser identifier with managing access to topic.
booleanpublicAccessSpecifies whether this topic is public accessibly. Default Value is false.
long[]readingUserIdsUser identifier with reading access to topic.
long[]writingUserIdsUser identifier with writing access to topic.

Role Resource

Resource for setting a topic role. It is a sub resource of a topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for Role Resource

POST - Role Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the role of topic for an user or group and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longentityIdThe identifier of the user or a group.
stringgroupAliasThe alias of the group.
stringrole (mandatory)Role for the user access to a topic. Default Value is "NONE". 
Constant Values 
NONE - A topic member with the NONE role has no access to the topic. 
MANAGER - A topic member with the MANAGER role has read, write and management access to a topic. 
MEMBER - A topic member with the MEMBER role has read and write access to a topic. 
VIEWER - A topic member with the VIEWER role only has read access to a topic. 
stringuserAliasThe alias of the user.

PUT - Role Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Role Resource

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


LIST - Role Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request the server will return a list of all roles for the topic. Since Communote version 3.3

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringdisplayNameThe display name for the user or group, includes both the full name and alias. Since Communote version 3.3
longentityIdThe identifier of the user or a group.
stringgroupAliasThe alias of the group.
booleanisGroupTrue if the entity is a group, false if it is a user. Since Communote version 3.3
stringshortDisplayNameA shorter version of the display name for the user or group, includes only the name, or if not set only the alias. Since Communote version 3.3
stringuserAliasThe alias of the user.

DELETE - Role Resource



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

RoleBulkExternal Resource

Resource for setting a bulk of topic roles for an external system in combination with an external object. It is a sub resource of a topic.

Available HTTP-Methods for RoleBulkExternal Resource

POST - RoleBulkExternal Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets roles of topic for an external system in combination with an external object and an external users or groups and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 
RoleBulkExternalTopicRight[]topicRights (mandatory)rights for user or group as array with json objects
stringexternalSystemId (mandatory)Identifier for the external system (like "DefaultLDAP", "DefaultSharePoint", "DefaultConfluence").
stringexternalId (mandatory)The identifier of external object.

PUT - RoleBulkExternal Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - RoleBulkExternal Resource

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


DELETE - RoleBulkExternal Resource



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 
RoleBulkExternalTopicRight Resource

Resource for setting a bulk of topic roles for an external system. It is a sub resource of a RoleBulkExternal and is used only as container for serial- and deserialization.

Available HTTP-Methods for RoleBulkExternalTopicRight Resource

GET - RoleBulkExternalTopicRight Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalGroupIdrights for user or group as array with json objects
stringexternalUserIdrights for user or group as array with json objects
stringrole (mandatory)Role for the user access to a topic. 
Constant Values 
MANAGER - A topic member with the MANAGER role has read, write and management access to a topic. 
MEMBER - A topic member with the MEMBER role has read and write access to a topic. 
VIEWER - A topic member with the VIEWER role only has read access to a topic. 

RoleExternal Resource

Resource for setting a topic role for an external system in combination with an external object. It is a sub resource of a topic. Default Value is "NONE".

Available HTTP-Methods for RoleExternal Resource

POST - RoleExternal Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the role of topic for an external system in combination with an external object and an external user or group and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringexternalGroupIdThe identifier of the external group.
stringexternalId (mandatory)The identifier of external object.
stringexternalSystemId (mandatory)The external system identifier.
stringexternalUserIdThe identifier of the external user.
stringrole (mandatory)Role for the user access to a topic. 
Constant Values 
NONE - A topic member with the NONE role has no access to the topic. 
MANAGER - A topic member with the MANAGER role has read, write and management access to a topic. 
MEMBER - A topic member with the MEMBER role has read and write access to a topic. 
VIEWER - A topic member with the VIEWER role only has read access to a topic. 

PUT - RoleExternal Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - RoleExternal Resource

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


LIST - RoleExternal Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias. 

DELETE - RoleExternal Resource



DELETE - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringtopicIdentifierTopic lists have different views. These view can result from rights issues or usage issues. This requires a value to specify the type of list you want to request, using the defined constant values. Default Value is "ID" 
Constant Values 
ID - Topic Identifier is an Id 
ALIAS - Topic Identifier is an Alias.