
TagStoreTagList Resource

This resource represents an list of tagstores with taglists.

Available HTTP-Methods for TagStoreTagList Resource

GET - TagStoreTagList Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringtagStoreAliasThis is the alias of the tagStore. If tag store alias was not found then the internal note tagStore is the fallback.
TagStoreTag[]tagsThis is the name of the tagStore.

LIST - TagStoreTagList Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringtagStoreAliasThis is the alias of the tagStore. If tag store alias was not found then the internal note tagStore is the fallback.
TagStoreTag[]tagsThis is the name of the tagStore.

TagStoreTag Resource

This resource represents an tag of an tag store.

Available HTTP-Methods for TagStoreTag Resource

GET - TagStoreTag Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringdescriptionThis is the description of an tag.
stringnameThis is the name of an tag.
longtagIdIs the Id of an tag.
stringtagStoreTagIdIs the Id of an tag in parent tagStore.

LIST - TagStoreTag Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringdescriptionThis is the description of an tag.
stringnameThis is the name of an tag.
longtagIdIs the Id of an tag.
stringtagStoreTagIdIs the Id of an tag in parent tagStore.