
Note Resource

This is the resource for a note.

Available HTTP-Methods for Note Resource

POST - Note Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new note resource and returns the noteId.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanisHtmlDepracated. Use TimelineNote Resource List instead.
integermaxTextLengthDepracated. Use TimelineNote Resource List instead.
booleanpublishShould note publish or is an auto saved note draft. Default Value is true.
longautosaveNoteIdIdentifier of auto save note draft.
string[]crossPostTopicAliasesTopic aliases to save note in different topics as cross post.
stringattachmentUploadSessionIdSession identifier of an session attribute witch contains attachmentIds to upload.

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

long[]attachmentIdsIdentifier of the note's attachments
booleanisDirectMessageIndicates whether the note is a direct message or a normal message. Default Value is false.
longnoteIdIdentifier of the note
longnoteVersionCurrent version of note.
longparentNoteIdThe identifier of the parent note.
Property[]propertiesProperties of note. Properties are key value pairs.
Tag[]tagsTags with witch the note is tagged.
stringtextThe message text of the note.
longtopicId (mandatory)Is the identifier of the topic where this note will be published
string[]usersToNotifySpecifies the aliases of users which are @-addressed in this message.

PUT - Note Resource

By sending a HTTP-PUT request with edited attributes, the server edits the note resource and returns the noteId.

PUT - Url


PUT - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanisHtmlDepracated. Use TimelineNote Resource List instead.
integermaxTextLengthDepracated. Use TimelineNote Resource List instead.
booleanpublishShould note publish or is an auto saved note draft. Default Value is true.
longautosaveNoteIdIdentifier of auto save note draft.
string[]crossPostTopicAliasesTopic aliases to save note in different topics as cross post.
stringattachmentUploadSessionIdSession identifier of an session attribute witch contains attachmentIds to upload.

PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

long[]attachmentIdsIdentifier of the note's attachments
longnoteId (mandatory)Identifier of the note
longnoteVersionCurrent version of note.
Property[]propertiesProperties of note. Properties are key value pairs.
Tag[]tagsTags with witch the note is tagged.
stringtextThe message text of the note.
longtopicId (mandatory)Is the identifier of the topic where this note will be published
string[]usersToNotifySpecifies the aliases of users which are @-addressed in this message.

GET - Note Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns the requested note resource with the following attributes.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

booleanfilterHtmlDepracated. Use TimelineNote Resource List instead.

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

long[]attachmentIdsIdentifier of the note's attachments
Attachment[]attachmentsContains all attachment resources of the note.
datecrawlLastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the note which in contrast to lastModificationDate is also updated when the access rights of the topic are changed or the note is moved into another topic. Since Communote version 3.3
datecreationDateCreation date of a note
integerdiscussionDepthIt the amount of replies within a discussion.
longdiscussionIdIs the id of the whole discussion.
stringdiscussionPathReturns the path of the discussions.
stringfirstNameThis is the firstname of the author.
string[]followedItemsIndicates whether the note is part of a followed author, topic or discussion.
booleanisDirectMessageIndicates whether the note is a direct message or a normal message. Default Value is false.
booleanisFavoriteSpecifies whether the note is marked as a favorite.
booleanisLikeSpecifies whether the note is marked as a like.
booleanisMentionDiscussionAuthorsIndicates that this note addresses all participants of the discussion this note is part of.
booleanisMentionTopicAuthorsIndicates that this note addresses all users with at least one note within the topic.
booleanisMentionTopicManagersIndicates that this note addresses all managers of the the topic.
booleanisMentionTopicReadersIndicates that this note addresses all readers of the topic.
booleanisNoteForMeIndicates whether the note is a addressed to the current user.
datelastModificationDateThe timestamp when a note was last modified by the author. Modification covers changes to the content, mentions, the added tags and attachments.
stringlastNameThis is the surname of the author.
longnoteId (mandatory)Identifier of the note
longnoteVersionCurrent version of note.
integernumberOfCommentsNumber of comments (also called replys or children).
longparentNoteIdThe identifier of the parent note.
Tag[]tagsTags with witch the note is tagged.
stringtextThe message text of the note.
longtopicIdIs the identifier of the topic where this note will be published
stringtopicNameThis is the name of the topic in witch the note was posted.
longuserIdIt the identifier of the author.
stringuserNameThis is the alias of the author.
string[]usersToNotifySpecifies the aliases of users which are @-addressed in this message.
long[]usersToNotifyIdsSpecifies the user ids of users which are @-addressed in this message. Since Communote version 3.3

LIST - Note Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

datecrawlLastModificationDateThe timestamp of the last modification of the note which in contrast to lastModificationDate is also updated when the access rights of the topic are changed or the note is moved into another topic. Since Communote version 3.3

DELETE - Note Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longnoteId (mandatory)Identifier of the note

Favorite Resource

Resource for setting a favorite. It is a sub resource of a note.

Available HTTP-Methods for Favorite Resource

POST - Favorite Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the favorite status for specified note and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfavoritefavorite status of the note for the user. Default Value is false.

LIST - Favorite Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfavoritefavorite status of the note for the user. Default Value is false.

DELETE - Favorite Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


Like Resource

Resource for setting a like. It is a sub resource of a note.

Available HTTP-Methods for Like Resource

POST - Like Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the like status for specified note and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanlikelike status of the note for the user. Default Value is false.

LIST - Like Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanlikelike status of the note for the user. Default Value is false.
TimelineUser[]usersSpecifies the users who likes the note inclusive the current user when he likes the note.

DELETE - Like Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


Property Resource

Resource for setting a property. It is a sub resource of a note.

Available HTTP-Methods for Property Resource

POST - Property Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new property resource and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

GET - Property Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
longpropertyIdKeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

LIST - Property Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the property.
stringkeyGroupKeyGroup of the property.