
User Resource

This is the resource to define the users within the system.

Available HTTP-Methods for User Resource

POST - User Resource

POST - Url


POST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..

POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

Property[]propertiesProperties of user. Properties are key value pairs.

PUT - User Resource

By sending a HTTP-PUT request with edited attributes, the server edits the user resource and returns the userId.

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringfirstNameThis is the firstname of the user.
stringlastNameThis is the surname of the user.
Property[]propertiesProperties of user. Properties are key value pairs.
Tag[]tagsIndicates whether the tags with witch the user is taged.
longuserId (mandatory)The identifier of the user.

GET - User Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns the requested user resource with the following attributes.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasThis is the alias of the user. It is also used for authentication.
stringcompanyThe users company.
stringfaxAreaCodeArea code of the user fax number.
stringfaxCountryCodeCountry code of the user fax number.
stringfaxNumberNumber of the user fax number.
stringfirstNameThis is the firstname of the user.
booleanisFollowIndicates whether the author is followed by the user.
stringlanguageLocaleThis is the locale of the user.
datelastModificationDateThis is the date on which the user change some personal profil information.
stringlastNameThis is the surname of the user.
datelastPhotoModificationDateDeprecated: use profileImageVersion instead. The date of the last modification of the user profile image.
stringphoneAreaCodeArea code of the user phone number.
stringphoneCountryCodeCountry code of the user phone number.
stringphoneNumberNumber of the user phone number.
stringpositionThe users position.
stringprofileImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the profile image. The string will change when the profile image is updated or another image provider is used. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache. Since Communote version 3.2
stringsalutationThe salutation of the user will be used within notification messages.
Tag[]tagsIndicates whether the tags with witch the user is taged.
stringtimeZoneIdThis is the identifier of the time zone where the user is.
longuserId (mandatory)The identifier of the user.

LIST - User Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a list of all requested user resources with the following attributes. Additional there are two meta datas in the response. First with the number of all found elements and secound whether there are more available elements.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking list requests on your server.

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringsearchStringSearching users information for a substring. Searching in alias, lastname and firstname.
stringf_userAliasGet user information by alias. When get user by alias is set, there no meta datas in the response
integeroffsetSpecifies the offset of the list to return results for. Default Value is 0
integermaxCountSpecifies the maximum amount of items in the resulting list. Default Value is 10. Note: Using it for retrieving the topic list the following parameter is required: topicListType=LAST_MODIFIED!
integercheckAtLeastMoreResultsWith this parameter it is possible to define a number of additional entities, which should be loaded when requesting data. These will be used to build information for paging, endless scrolling etc..

LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringaliasThis is the alias of the user. It is also used for authentication.
stringcompanyThe users company.
stringfaxAreaCodeArea code of the user fax number.
stringfaxCountryCodeCountry code of the user fax number.
stringfaxNumberNumber of the user fax number.
stringfirstNameThis is the firstname of the user.
booleanisFollowIndicates whether the author is followed by the user.
stringlanguageLocaleThis is the locale of the user.
datelastModificationDateThis is the date on which the user change some personal profil information.
stringlastNameThis is the surname of the user.
datelastPhotoModificationDateDeprecated: use profileImageVersion instead. The date of the last modification of the user profile image.
stringphoneAreaCodeArea code of the user phone number.
stringphoneCountryCodeCountry code of the user phone number.
stringphoneNumberNumber of the user phone number.
stringpositionThe users position.
stringprofileImageVersionA string reflecting the version of the profile image. The string will change when the profile image is updated or another image provider is used. This value could for instance be used in the URL to the image to get the latest version from the server and not an outdated one from the client's cache. Since Communote version 3.2
stringsalutationThe salutation of the user will be used within notification messages.
Tag[]tagsIndicates whether the tags with witch the user is taged.
stringtimeZoneIdThis is the identifier of the time zone where the user is.
longuserIdThe identifier of the user.

ExternalLogin Resource

This resource can be used to handle the external logins. Since Communote version 3.3

Available HTTP-Methods for ExternalLogin Resource

LIST - ExternalLogin Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longdatabaseIdBackend database id
stringexternalLoginIdThe login id for the user in the external system.
stringexternalSystemIdThe identifier of the external system this login belongs to, e.g. DefaultLDAP, DefaultConfluence
stringpermanentIdThe permanent identifier of the external login.
ExternalProperty[]propertiesProperties for the external login.
ExternalProperty Resource

Resource for setting a property. It is a sub resource of a external login, cannot be set, only returned with ExternalLogin resource. Since Communote version 3.3

Available HTTP-Methods for ExternalProperty Resource

GET - ExternalProperty Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the property.
stringkeyGroupKeyGroup of the property.
longpropertyIdDummy Id of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

Follow Resource

Resource for setting a follow. It is a sub resource of a user.

Available HTTP-Methods for Follow Resource

POST - Follow Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server sets the follow status for specified user and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfollowfollow status of the user for the current user. Default Value is false.

LIST - Follow Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

booleanfollowfollow status of the user for the current user. Default Value is false.

DELETE - Follow Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.


Image Resource

This is an image resource. It is a sub resource of a user.

Available HTTP-Methods for Image Resource

GET - Image Resource

By sending a HTTP-GET request, the server returns a stream containing the image as binary.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringsize (mandatory)This is the size of of the image. 
Constant Values 
SMALL - Returns an image of small size (25x25). 
MEDIUM - Returns an image of medium size (50x50). 
LARGE - Returns an image of large size (100x100). 

NavigationItem Resource

This resource can be used to handle navigation items.

Available HTTP-Methods for NavigationItem Resource

POST - NavigationItem Resource

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringdataPaylod of the item. Note: this is a JSON object formatted as string
integerindexIndex of the item
longlastAccessDateThe last access date as long.
stringnameName of the item

PUT - NavigationItem Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringdataPaylod of the item. Note: this is a JSON object formatted as string
integerindexIndex of the item
longlastAccessDateThe last access date as long.
stringnameName of the item
longnavigationItemIdId of the navigation item

GET - NavigationItem Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longnavigationItemIdId of the navigation item

LIST - NavigationItem Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

long[]f_navigationItemIdsObservations to get results for, If null or empty all observations will be checked.

DELETE - NavigationItem Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longnavigationItemIdId of the navigation item

Observation Resource

This resource can be used to check the state if the users observations.

Available HTTP-Methods for Observation Resource

GET - Observation Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longcheckDateDate the check was done.
longcountNumber of notes written since the last check date for this observation
longobservationIdId of the observation

LIST - Observation Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

long[]f_observationsObservations to get results for, If null or empty all observations will be checked.
longf_lastCheckDateDate the last check was done.

Property Resource

Resource for setting a property. It is a sub resource of a user.

Available HTTP-Methods for Property Resource

POST - Property Resource

By sending a HTTP-POST request with all mandatory attributes, the server creates a new property resource and returns null.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking post requests on your server.

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

GET - Property Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkey (mandatory)Key of the property.
stringkeyGroup (mandatory)KeyGroup of the property.
longpropertyIdKeyGroup of the property.
stringvalueValue of property for specific key.

LIST - Property Resource

LIST - Url


LIST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the property.
stringkeyGroupKeyGroup of the property.

UserPreference Resource

Resource for retrieving and setting user preferences. Whatever user id or preference id you use, this will always return results for the current user.

Available HTTP-Methods for UserPreference Resource

PUT - UserPreference Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringclassName (mandatory)Name of the implementing class.
longpreferenceIdId of the preference, this can be ignored as it is ignored from backend.
Preference[]preferencesThe values of the preferences

GET - UserPreference Resource

Method to get values of a specific preference.

Please notice the documentation for Resources Tunneling, if you encounter any problems invoking get requests on your server.

GET - Url


GET - Parameters

Parameters are generally used to filter the result and are not part of the result set.

stringf_classNameFilter for this preferences.

GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringclassNameName of the implementing class.
longpreferenceIdId of the preference, this can be ignored as it is ignored from backend.
Preference[]preferencesThe values of the preferences
Preference Resource

Resource for preference maps. It is a sub resource of Preferences, but can't be called directly.

Available HTTP-Methods for Preference Resource

POST - Preference Resource

POST - Url


POST - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the preference.
stringvalueValue of peference for specific key.

PUT - Preference Resource

PUT - Url


PUT - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

stringkeyKey of the preference.
longpreferenceEntryId (mandatory)Id of the preference, this can be ignored.
stringvalueValue of peference for specific key.

GET - Preference Resource

GET - Url


GET - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longpreferenceEntryId (mandatory)Id of the preference, this can be ignored.

DELETE - Preference Resource



DELETE - Attributes

Attributes are part of the entity send or requested.

longpreferenceEntryId (mandatory)Id of the preference, this can be ignored.