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7 Design Guidelines Colors Case Color Link #005599 Link hover/active #E66914 Primary Icon #1779C8 Secondary Icon & Link #888888 Icon hover/active #FB931D
3 Ease Development
3.1 Mail in Development Environment Communote sends mails in different situations like when new users are invited or notifications are sent. Therefore, an SMTP server needs to be configured even in a development environment. You could install a local SMTP server but this might be to cumbersome for developing a plugin. Starting with Communote version...
2 How to...
2.3 Build the Core The Communote core is a Java servlet based web application with an embedded OSGi container which is available in the Communote-server repository on GitHub. It consists of the core components and a set of OSGi plugins, the so called ‘core plugins’, which are bundled in the WAR file of...
2.2 Customize the Design Right now there is no chance to replace the whole design like with a theme. But you can build a plugin which overwrites CSS classes and replace images like the iconmap. Another option is to use the REST-API and build your own application with an individual design.
2.1 Write a plugin Because of an embedded OSGi container (Apache Felix) and a growing set of extension points Communote can be customized easily with the help of OSGi bundles, or how we call them: plugins. With these plugins, which can be added and removed at runtime, it is for instance possible to: ...
5 Javadoc Get an eye on the Java Documentation here: Go to Javadoc
1 Preparation The Communote core is a Java servlet based web application which can be extended with plugins (OSGi bundles). This page describes what you need to do to setup your development environment to build the Communote core and Communote plugins. 1.1 Setup Java and Maven For building OpenJDK 8...
6 REST-API You can browse through the documentation of the latest REST API version by following this link: Go to REST API Documentation Alternatively you can download a PDF of the documentation: 3.1 Components and Frameworks More information will be coming soon. 3.1.1 Backend 3.1.2 Frontend Filterchain Controller Widgets Plugins MessageQueue 3.2 Modules and Java Packages More information will be coming soon. 3.3 Terms and Concepts